
Will it keep them out.  The last time I checked people can be climbing, tunneling to get in.  I lived in Florida.  They came by boat.  They came by airplanes.   I 95 was the opioid highway for drugs. Polk county had lots of meth labs.  White people running amok.

The bigger issue is why are we so afraid of people from other places.  Unless we are native American, our family did not come from here.  We are all from somewhere else.  Every generation had their immigrants that no one liked.  My great great Grandfather James Doyle came here from Kerry Ireland. He did not have the money for passage.  He was in his early 20’s.  It is rumored that he and another male relative hid on the ship to get here during the potato famine.  He was found and worked his way for passage. He went through Ellis Island.  He tried to get work in New York and the signs in the windows said no dogs, no niggers, no Irish.  He ended up in Virginia.  He married a local girl and had 8 children.  His obituary said that he had an Irish brogue until the day he died.

The Titanic was another example of how certain people were not getting first crack at getting on the boats, because some people think they are more deserving than other people based on superficial criteria: race, gender, wealth, religion, ethnicity.

Now it is Hispanics and Arabs that we are terrified of.  We have white people calling the cops on black people doing ordinary things.  Why are we so afraid?  The rash of mass shootings have been by white males of a certain age with big guns.  What are we doing to address this?  Nothing.  Why?  Because we don’t think it is a systemic problem if they look like us.  We don’t want to think that people that look like us can do such heinous things.

We build a wall and think we are safe.  Were we safe on 911?  Were we safe at Pearl Harbor?  Walls and guns don’t make us safe.  They give us a false sense of security.  Understanding your fellow man, learning about other cultures, helping your neighbor, trusting in God makes you safe. We build the wall and brown people still come here.  Then what? What will make us feel safe?

I don’t want to be on the phone and some black person thinks I am calling the police on them.  I don’ t want children of other races to not look me in the eye because they don’t want to upset me.  I don’t want people to think I am racist, because I am a white female over the age of 50.  How do we bridge the gap of understanding between cultures?

How do we feel safe with each other?

election is over

I waited over a week to post.  Like a lot of people I didn’t think Trump would win and I was surprised. I wanted to process it before I wrote something in the heat of the moment.

No matter who wins, both candidates only recieved 48% of the vote, meaning 52% didn’t like the other one.  Several mayors, governors and senators and congressmen will not return to office.  The whole makeup of our country will change in January 2017.

Several things are happening that need to be revisited.  Just give him a chance.  He is not my President. Their are protests and riots and kids walking out of class.  I will give my psychological perspective one at a time.  I am in no means predicting anything, just my spin on how people are feeling.

  1. The media messed this up.  The polls were wrong.  Why is this bad?  Some people may not have voted because they thought there candidate had it in the bag so they didn’t need to or they fired they were going to lose so it didn’t matter.  Always vote no matter what the polls say.  No vote no voice.

2.  Just give him a chance- I remember 2008 very well.  No one was giving Obama  a chance.  The birther movement was in full swing and plenty of people were saying he is not my president and calling him obummer, a muslim, a kenyan, a socialist.  No there were no riots, but plenty of racist signs and bumper stickers for 8 years.  They called him an ape.  Asked for his lynching.  Insulted his wife and kids and called them ugly.  We discovered that america was still racist in 2008.  So it is hard for people to want to take the high road and do the same for Trump.

3.  He is our elected President.  Always pray for our leaders.  He is your President so hold him to a standard above a reality TV host.  He has to watch what he says now. He needs to be called out when he does wrong or praised when  he does right.  Acceptance does not mean approval.

4. The protests.  Cory Booker told us to behave.  We have the right to make our voices heard and assemble. We do not have the right to loot, burn, throw rocks, destroy property and act like a big temper tantrum. That does not make your cause look right.  People miss the message when looking at the behavior.  I understand why people are afraid, due to the statements made about them.  Trump has done racists behaviors in the past with his rental policies and has made racist comments.  On the other side, reports are coming out of brown people being targeted and threatened.  This just validates peoples fears.  A few incidents like that and people will go see we should be afraid and more people will protest.

5.  A better way.  Look to 2018.  If Trump has not fulfilled his promises to the ones that expected him to then let him know and start finding someone else for 2020 and vote out the congressmen that sided with him.  If Trump fulfilled his promises and you do not like them, then also vote out those responsible and look for a sucessor for 2020.  He will be 74 in 2020 and we all know how this office ages people.  He may not want to run again.

6.  Trump is a large personality and is used to getting his own way.  He may adapt to having to negotiate where he isn’t the biggest ego in the room or he may not.  I personally would not want to work for him and not agree with him. Yet if our country is full of minions who don’t speak out we don’t learn or grow. A good parent tells their kids what they need to hear not what they want to hear.  Let us hope Trump has some parents/advisers that tell him like it is.

The Election and it effects on kids.

My clients are from the age of 5 to 18 for kids.  They come from all ethnic backgrounds and social economic status.  One little black girl asked me why Donald Trump didn’t like her.  She is 10.  A 16 year old white kid bragged that Trump was going to win big and everyone just better like it.  A 6 year old wanted to know why he got in trouble for grabbing a girl at school because Trump says they really like it.  A girl said she didn’t trust Hillary because she wasn’t good at email, because she was old like her grandma.  My Mexican client who was born here said several people yelled at him at school and told him they were going to build a wall and throw his ass out.  All of these children get in trouble for fighting and did before the election.  My sexual trauma clients are being triggered and they believe that Trump and Clinton are perps and are scared.  Many think they are fat when they aren’t fat.  My suggestion is to not have children watch the news if they aren’t old enough to vote.  We have three weeks left.  Save the children.

My clients ask me who I am voting for and I don’t tell them.  It isn’t my job to sway political opinions.  I just tell them to vote or have their parents vote.  Many of my chients are disabled and recieve services.  They worry about losing them. They already have anxiety problems.  Some are low IQ and can’t decern the rhetoric and fact check.  One was afraid that they were going to take him to jail and knock his door down looking for Mexicans and guns.  They already have issues with the police.

I have to walk the fine line between safety, knowledge and not swaying someones vote.

My advise to someone with mental issues, if you know who you are going to vote for don’t turn on the news or look at it on the internet and mute the commercials.  Don’t watch the next debate.

I can’t wait until November 9th 2016.  Let all of this be over.




I watched all 4 days of both conventions and some coverage of the Liberatian party as well.  It was interesting.  People praising their party and thier chosen candidate and talking about how the other one sucked.  Finally, they discussed a few ideas and in general how we are going to do it.  There is patriotic flag waving and sosa march music.   I tried to study the rhetoric. Several things stood out- your spouse  and kids telling me how great you are is irrelevant.  I think my spouse would make a great President too. Your party is not the savior of the universe; God has not been replaced.  The other side is not the enemy, that divides us.

I did notice a few highlights.  I was very impressed with Mr. Khan talking about his son who was a Captain in the Army fighting against other muslims for a country he wasn’t born into, when people want to send all of them away because they think they all want to kill us. He died saving the lives of his Christian servicemembers.  Oh the irony.

The police officer talking about dead cops was not a time to talk about black lives matter when some of the cops were black. They were killed defending your right to protest and you can’t be quiet during a moment of silence.

Donald Trump suddenly likes gay people and picked for his vice president the most anti gay governor in the 50 states. Pence thinks religious freedom means I can refuse service to everyone who sins differently than me.  Not very Jesus like.

No one covered the protests outside.  That would have been more interesting and more real.  Kind of like political episode of cops.  Yet. all people talked about was they didn’t pray enough.  A political convention is not church.  The DNC didn’t have enough flags.   Really, any asshole can wave a flag.  Act like a patriot and do something for your country. You can’t do something for your country if you hate everyone in it.

Several things we need to shut up about seriously..  No one is taking your guns.  No one is telling you how to worship in your church house, car, lawn, etc.  We have to pay taxes to get things like roads, cops, fireman.  Welfare is not breaking the budget.  If you can pay for war, you can pay for veterans.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have been buds for a long time.  Bill and Donald are two of the biggest womanizers around. Chelsea and Ivanka are friends married to Jewish bankers.  Yet. all people talked about was they didn’t pray enough.  A political convention is not church.  The DNC didn’t have enough flags.   Really, any asshole can wave a flag.  Act like a patriot and do something for your country.

Now for the slogans.  I am with her could mean Jill Stein for the Green Party. Make America great again, uh we have always been great and the hats are made in China. I like the one everyone sucks 2016.  When 3 parties are polling at 10% and 3 % in August, it is going to be a fun year.

I don’t really want to see a wall, because we have illegal immigrants from Europe, Asia, Africa, the middle east.  They all arrived on a plane with a visa and let it expire.  Cubans come by boat.   Nice sentiment, but it is not really a solution.

We need to focus on jobs, the economy and retirement.  No Jeb, I am not working until I am 70 and waiting to get my Medicare at 67.  Minimum wage is too low.  We need inclusion not division.


another super tuesday.

The value of your home state.  The old adage goes if your own people don’t love you why should anyone else.  No one has ever been elected without carrying their home state.  Kasich is ahead in Ohio, but Rubio’s future in Florida is not guaranteed. He is a first term senator that did not win by a lot in a 3 man senate race.  He was in the state senate for a little while.  He may do well among cubans, but his gang of 8 may go against him.  I hope he does win Florida and Kasich wins ohio.  I also hope Cruz takes one of the other states.  Trump needs his wings clipped.

A new ad with all the awful things he said about women is being released.  I hope it resonates with woman voters of either party.  We won’t be talked about this way and a defeat of someone who does that should move womans rights forward.  A win will set us back to 1950 and people will think they can say and do whatever to woman.  We already have laws being passed to protect rapists and give domestic batterers privledges to own guns.  This is scary to me.  Why not put money to speed up the process of rape kits?  Why not give guns to the victims?  Why blame woman for the assault and rape?  Do you really think Donald Trump would find any of these issues a priority, especially woman of color?  He hasn’t even treated his own wives well and has made sexual references to his daughter.

Women are expendable commodities to him to be traded when they are no longer useful to him as sex objects.  Then he whines about how much the divorce costs.  Do you hear much about Tiffany Trump?  You never see her at campaign events.  He treats her like dirt.  He pays for her college and makes his obligations, but that is all.

Go vote today.  Do not let misoginy win out.

Presidential candidates are not exciting me.

It isn’t even 2016 yet.  Yet, we are bombarded with candidates promising to change American and make it great again.  I always thought America was great. Some candidates stand out in front of the herd at the moment.  The issues that mean the most to me are mental health care, elderly care and financial stability for the poor, the middle class and the disabled.  So far the candidates are not focused on the issues of importance to me and what I believe is the most helpful for society.  Treating the mentally ill helps the person and society.  All the mass shooting have been by deranged or mentally ill young white men, who were not receiving help.

I have broken down some of the candidates that are at the top and their opinions on these issues.  Donald Trump is focused on throwing 11 million illegal aliens out of the country with no plan on how to pay for it, making fun of women and tax cuts for his friends.  He neglected to mention the illegals that work at his hotels and that he is on his third wife who isn’t even an American citizen.

Jeb Bush had an abysmal record of the mentally ill in Florida and cut the budget to draconian levels and made people like me working in community mental health centers overworked and underpaid and the population underserved.  His wanting to shame single mothers which constitutes most of my caseload is not helpful to their mental health.  Doesn’t he realize that they feel bad enough already?  I didn’t hear where he called Sarah Palin and told her to shame Bristol for having two illegitimate children.  I guess what he really means is poor single mothers.

Mario Rubio is new to the political scene. less dramatic on immigration, probably due to being a first generation American.  He too dislikes welfare and student help.

Hillary Clinton has been around the arena a long time.  She has not addressed mental health issues either, but does have a plan for student loan help.  She has her own issues to overcome.

Bernie Sanders is owned by no one, but he has no plan for mental health.  He is surging among the more left leaning Democrats.

Ted Cruz- I am waiting for Donald Trump to ask for his Canadian birth certificate.  If Obama was born in Kenya to an American mother and that makes him not a citizen, then how can Cruz be a citizen if he was born in Canada to an American mother.  If Cruz is allowed to run, then the birthers will have to acknowledge that Obama was eligible.  This will never happen. Ted Cruz wants others to not have the advantages that he afforded.  The I got mine but you can’t have it theory.

Paul Ryan received social security and student help and wants to deny it to others because we can’t afford it.  The I got mine but you can’t have it theory redo.

Scott Walker had the worst cuts to the poor and is on the raise social security to age 70 so you can die before you receive it.   He and Bush want the middle class to wait on the benefits they paid into their working lives.

The big picture is being missed.  The ones who can least afford it should not have to pay the most in taxes.  The mentally ill need treatment, even if we have to raise taxes to pay for it.  Grants can be given to treatment centers and clinics to treat people with no insurance.  The rent has to be paid and the doors open. This can answer some of the problems with mass shootings, suicidal and homeless veterans, children with behavioral problems, untreated alcoholism and substance abuse. None of these issues are victimless.  An abused child is at risk of abusing another child.  Alcoholism is a family disease.  Veterans have families that have to live with the symptoms of the veteran. Everyone can’t afford to go to a 14,000 treatment center.  The VA is backed up three months. Clinics prefer clients with insurance. The caseloads for indigent care are too high.  The next time you complain about the veteran waiting too long.  Remember you get what you pay for.  When your cousin is suicidal and there is no bed, don’t complain.  You get what you pay for. When their is a shooting in your town from a mentally ill teen, don’t blame the system that you pay for.  Be happy that your taxes are low and complain about gays ruining America while you clean your gun.

Research your candidates carefully. 2016 should be the year of mental stability and wellness, if we make it so. A goal for the new year NO MENTAL ILLNESS GOES UNTREATED.