
I watched all 4 days of both conventions and some coverage of the Liberatian party as well.  It was interesting.  People praising their party and thier chosen candidate and talking about how the other one sucked.  Finally, they discussed a few ideas and in general how we are going to do it.  There is patriotic flag waving and sosa march music.   I tried to study the rhetoric. Several things stood out- your spouse  and kids telling me how great you are is irrelevant.  I think my spouse would make a great President too. Your party is not the savior of the universe; God has not been replaced.  The other side is not the enemy, that divides us.

I did notice a few highlights.  I was very impressed with Mr. Khan talking about his son who was a Captain in the Army fighting against other muslims for a country he wasn’t born into, when people want to send all of them away because they think they all want to kill us. He died saving the lives of his Christian servicemembers.  Oh the irony.

The police officer talking about dead cops was not a time to talk about black lives matter when some of the cops were black. They were killed defending your right to protest and you can’t be quiet during a moment of silence.

Donald Trump suddenly likes gay people and picked for his vice president the most anti gay governor in the 50 states. Pence thinks religious freedom means I can refuse service to everyone who sins differently than me.  Not very Jesus like.

No one covered the protests outside.  That would have been more interesting and more real.  Kind of like political episode of cops.  Yet. all people talked about was they didn’t pray enough.  A political convention is not church.  The DNC didn’t have enough flags.   Really, any asshole can wave a flag.  Act like a patriot and do something for your country. You can’t do something for your country if you hate everyone in it.

Several things we need to shut up about seriously..  No one is taking your guns.  No one is telling you how to worship in your church house, car, lawn, etc.  We have to pay taxes to get things like roads, cops, fireman.  Welfare is not breaking the budget.  If you can pay for war, you can pay for veterans.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have been buds for a long time.  Bill and Donald are two of the biggest womanizers around. Chelsea and Ivanka are friends married to Jewish bankers.  Yet. all people talked about was they didn’t pray enough.  A political convention is not church.  The DNC didn’t have enough flags.   Really, any asshole can wave a flag.  Act like a patriot and do something for your country.

Now for the slogans.  I am with her could mean Jill Stein for the Green Party. Make America great again, uh we have always been great and the hats are made in China. I like the one everyone sucks 2016.  When 3 parties are polling at 10% and 3 % in August, it is going to be a fun year.

I don’t really want to see a wall, because we have illegal immigrants from Europe, Asia, Africa, the middle east.  They all arrived on a plane with a visa and let it expire.  Cubans come by boat.   Nice sentiment, but it is not really a solution.

We need to focus on jobs, the economy and retirement.  No Jeb, I am not working until I am 70 and waiting to get my Medicare at 67.  Minimum wage is too low.  We need inclusion not division.


Guns again

I can just add to this post. charlottesville, Rep. Scalise,  Las Vegas, New York, Texas church, Walmart in Colorado. They are asking for prayers.  Really. Is that the best we can do?  Faith without works is dead. Prayer is worthless without action. Now the killers are white men from here. It doesn’t fit the narrative.  Walls won’t keep us safe.  We had a shooting of a cop in my town yesterday by a teen.  How does a teen get a gun?  We do have a mental health crisis in this country.  The cutting of insurance, medicaid, medicare, etc will make it worse.  People need treatment and treatment costs money. I can’t provide free treatment and keep my office open.  We need gun licensing and vetting like we do everything else.  Stop the chaos.  Stand up to the NRA.  Find out which congressmen have accepted large donations from the NRA.  Refuse to vote for them. 


I haven’t posted about Orlando yet because I needed to process how I felt. My daughter was a member of the Gay Straight Alliance for Stetson University in Deland FL.  She had many gay friends that went to Orlando.

There is so much speculation as to why- was it ISIS, bigotry, hatred..

I have a gun.  I can pass a background check.  The FBI has never questioned me.  So why did he get a gun legally?  He can’t get on an airplane because of what he might do, but he can buy a gun.  I don’t see the logic in this.

I have grown up in the country where people had a lot of shot guns.  I live in a military town where people have rifles of all types.  What does a civilian need with an AK?  It could shoot thru a wall in an apartment complex and kill people several apartments down.

Our government just wants a moment of silence.  I don’t want to be silent.  I want to be loud, outraged, screaming.  Stop with the killing.  Just stop it.

The founding fathers had muskets with one round at a time when they wrote the second amendment.  Mass shootings weren’t an issue.

Why now?  Are we so depraved that we have to kill mass numbers of people?  It isn’t one race or creed anymore.

Aurora, Va tech, Tucson, Charleston, ghetto shootings, cops on people, people on cops, Sandy Hook, Orlando, Fort Hood.  When is enough enough?