elections have consequences

1.) Wouldn’t it be nice to have a secretary of education that doesn’t want to defund public schools for not wanting to expose kids to a virus? Extra ppe, barriers between desks,  scattered entrance times, mixed curriculum,  extra bus routes, lunch in the classroom, maybe less pressure on the governors to open up just because. Betsy Devos the amway salesmen is Devoid.

2.)  The mail is more important than ever.  I have been ordering books and other items to go out less.  I loved the mail bringing me my stimulus check.

3.) Rural internet access is so important now. Virtual school can’t work without internet. Has anyone noticed that the internet is slower now?  Every one is on it.  Hello.

4.) I guess that wall isnt so important now.  I dont think the caravan is coming.  Covid closed the borders.  Divert wall money for PPE.

5.) Wouldnt insurance be good for tests and getting sick?  What preexisting conditions are going to happen that we wont be able to pay for treatment for? My daughter works at a place in south florida that made people come in and has a coworker that exposed two people to covid.  She has no insurance.

6.) The economy doesn’t work if people are too sick to go to work.  Sick people don’t spend money shopping, eating out or getting haircuts.  No sick leave means people go to work sick. No insurance means you wait until you get a treatment in the ER.  The hospitals are full enough.  Culling the work force with people who end up on disability for lung and heart issues doesn’t help the economy.

7.) No, I am not going to sacrifice myself, so my great grandkids can have a job in 15 years.  I have a few years left.

8.) The following people are on my list of covidiots:  Lt governor of TX for the grandparent comment, (won’t forgive him anytime soon), the Florida governor Destupid, (trumps boot licker should be his name) Betsy Devoid, Governor of Georgia, ( you could have had abrams, but no not the black one) Mike pence for not having a spine, Rand Paul for infecting the congress and he is a doctor, (his dad is a dumb ass too) Mitch Mcconnell, (KY vote mcgrath) Mike Mccarthy, Ted Cruz,  Korona Karens,  politicizing the wearing of a mask,  Governor Ducey of AZ,  fundamentalist preachers telling parishioners that they are washed in the blood and can’t catch it- come to church, tithe, get sick, go home.  You know who I mean.

9.) Kids catch the virus, kids die, kids get sick.  Kids infect others.  Ask the nurses at CHKD. Kids can’t keep away from each other.  Look at the schools quarantining all ready.

10) Don’t tell me you can’t mandate masks in school when you can measure a girls skirt and notice her spaghetti strap shirt.  Kids get dress code violations and detention daily. Please you are just too lazy to enforce it.  Just stop the bullshit.

11.) WWII we had ration coupons, blackouts, curfews, no one complained.  I didn’t hear it is against my liberty for the government to tell me when to turn my lights off.  We wear seat belts, get frisked at the airport and take off our shoes, put kids in car seats.  Live in an HOA.

12.)  The idiots that call the police on black and brown people for walking around.  Public property means public.  Public includes people that don’t look like you.

13.) It sucks that my passport won’t get me in any other country, because I might have corona cooties.

14.) God bless the post office.  I am voting absentee this year for the first time.

15.) Vote this year because your life may depend on it.  I have two parents in their 90s, a husband veteran with asbestos exposure, a daughter with lupus, a diabetic step daughter,  a stepson with a brain injury, 5 great grands, please wear a mask for them.  

Thank you.



covidiot- a person who acts irrationally over the pandemic.

They are everywhere.  An employee of Target got his arm broken for asking customers to follow the law and wear a mask. A security guard at dollar general was shot for making someone wear a mask or not go in the store. Protestors storm the capitols of Virginia, North Carolina and Michigan.  The Lt governor of texas wants to sacrifice old people for the economy. The Governor of Florida wants to open schools because kids dont die from it, in a state where 35% of the population is over 65.

What is the problem with wearing a mask?  Many people have face coverings at work. It isn’t tyranny to tell you how to dress.  Many estabalishments have dress codes. The same people are okay wtih making saggy pants illegal.  They say it is tyranny to dictate school lunches, but it isn’t to make food stamps good for certain foods that they approve of poor people eating.

There argument is they are healthy and shouldn’t be quarantined.  How do they know they are healthy is they didn’t take a test. They want a hair cut or a burger. Really you want people to die so you can get a hair cut during a quarantine when no one can see you anyway.  You can go to a drive thru for a burger.

The problem is the pandemic has been poiticized.  Many different opinions have been spun depending on the narrative. Science is being ignored.  The news is called fake.  Internet hoaxes abound. People do not discern fact from fiction.  It depends on if the teller was a Republican or a Democrat.  This is stupid and causing covidiot itis.

No one likes staying home, but it is necessary.  During ww2 their was rationing, cancelling of sports, curfews, black outs, shortages.  Factories forced to make war items.  Their was not complaining.  People bought war bonds, donated their personal scrap metal, denied themselves items and did it happily.  Those are patriots.  Protestors to open a store so they can have a burger over a quarantine for only a few weeks are not patriots.  They are covidiots.

Stay home. Wear a mask when you are out. Stop hoarding toilet paper. Develop hobbies, read a book.  Quit whining or bitching about it. You will get to go to church soon.  Don’t shake hands or pass a plate.  It isn’t about you.  We will be known as the generation of 2020, the selfish covidiots.  Maybe Satah Palin was right about death panels.  This is what we have when we are willing to sacrifice grandma so we can go to a crowded bar.

Covid/Corona/China whatever you call it

How to cope during quarantine

Don’t focus on what you can’t do, focus on what you can do. Gratitude attitude

I can spring clean my house.  Cleanliness is godliness.

I can reorganize my closet.  Organization and order

I can paint my house.         Fresh paint is clean.

I can garden.  Fresh food and herbs.  Flowers are beauty.

I can do crafts.    New hobbies and brain activity.

I can walk outside.    Exercise and weight loss.

I can reconnect with my husband.   Improved relationships.

I can learn new technology like Zoom.   Learning

I can read.    learning and enrichment

I am cooking more.   Better food and health.

I am learning how to use Amazon and Wayfair.

I am changing hygiene habits.    Cleanliness is next to godliness.

I select the time to shop and wear a mask.  Everyones hair looks bad and I don’t have to wear makeup.   I am eating up what is in my house and learning to entertain myself.  I have introduced my husband to Netflix movies.  We are walking a half mile or more a day together holding hands.  We are purging our house of unwanted items and rearranging our space.  We are donating items.  We are sanitizing our house.  When the quarantine is lifted no honey dos will be left.  We will be able to just enjoy our shiny new clean space. We can sit in the hot tub and drink wine and smell the flowers that I planted.  We are planning trips to places when we can.

I see people protesting, wanting to sacrifice the elderly and the unwell, complaining about their jobs, they can’t get a haircut or go to a bar.  I am actually saving money because I can’t do those things.  I am using new hair products and experimenting since no one will see me anyway.  I am enjoying my house. Stay home, save lives.

The governor eased restrictions on telehealth.  I am seeing patients over the phone.  It isn’t what I prefer, but I adapt.  At least I can keep my business open and make some money.  Gratitude in my attitude, Cleanliness is next to godliness. Improved relationships. 

I recovered from brain surgery I had two months ago.  I was already house bond before this happened.  I just go a clear brain MRI today.  My life will go on.  I can sit and bitch that I am better and can’t go anywhere or I can thank God that I am well and have a home to enjoy and family that loves me.  I choose the later.

Put your signs down.  Go home.  Enjoy your life. 


As usual I wait to respond so I am not using raw emotion. I live 170 miles from Charlottesville Va.  I know people that went to UVA or have kids their now.  Eyewitness acounts do not match the news narrative.  Athletes had show up early to practice before school started and ended up locked in with their coaches Friday night.  The permit was for Saturday at noon.  Racists were yelling outside of a synagogue Friday night.  They had to leave out the back to avoid confrontation.

Saturday many groups invaded Charlottesville with agendas of their own.  I don’t know if they were paid.  But Charlottesville is pretty liberal and I can’t imagine them liking Nazis walking through town yelling anti semitic chants.  What do you think is going to happen when you do that?

My Father, 3 Uncles and some cousins went to WW2 to fight Japs and nazi’s.  My Father voted for Trump.  I asked him how he feels now and he can’t answer me.  He doesn’t associate the current events with fighting nazi’s in WW2.  I guess he thinks they are different Nazis.

Someone in his county had their house tagged. They were black in a mainly white senior community.  He has a black friend down the street.  Again he thinks it is isolated.  Stuff happens.

2016 brought on a lot of changes.  Trump can’t be blamed for all of it  These people have always been here.  Now for some reason they think they can come into the light and are not afraid.

I fail to see how they correlate confederate statues with nazis.  They were almost 70 yeara apart and don’t represent the same thing. Seems to me they are taking the confederate cause as a reason to show up and show their ass.  They claim to protect history.  There are over 200 confederate monuments in VA.  How many historical monuments to the native americans, hispanics, asians, and blacks are their in VA? Also how many statues of women historical figures.  Shouldn’t all of history be portrayed, not just the parts that agree with your narrative.

Mental health skill building

It is almost upon us.  The two and a half year wait is over.  The services for the chronically mentally ill. Portsmouth will be able to serve patients being discharged from maryview hospital, so they don’t continue to be hospitalized.  We are excited to serve medicaid patients.

The current health care crisis will affect out business.  If our clients lose medicaid coverage, we will be out of business.  The mentally ill will be under served or be on the streets.  More suicides, more shootings, more crime, more homelessness and constant hospitalizations will occur.


Please tell your senator to vote no.

Number 27

I am number 27 on the list for Mental Health Skill Building. I applied for it in Feburary 2015.  Yes that is right almost a year and a half ago. What is mental health skill building?  It is an in home service for the chronic mental health patients that have been hospitalization. We help them go to their medical appointments, their medications, socialization, and other needed services for 10 hours a week.  There professionals have a bachelors or better.  They are paid well.  They keep people out of the hospital.

These agencies like mine can hire about 10 people.  Right now an agency is number 285 on the list. That is 2,850 jobs waiting for almost 10,000 clients. We have shootings of and by mentally ill people.  The hospitals are full and can’t keep them.

I called to find out why.  They have two people for the whole state of Virginia to process the paperwork.  Virginia has 8.401 million people. If 10 % are mentally ill, that is 840,000 people.  These workers have to verify information, do office inspections, background checks and see if forms and procedures match current laws.  2 people.

If they move 3 steps a time, it will take an additional 9 months for my application to start the process.  That will be next year. How long can our mentally ill people wait?  How many jobs go unfilled?

I have contacted the papers, and wrote a Senator.  I am pushing on.  Next I go to television. I want to serve the disadvantaged, employ people.  Do my civic duty.

Number 27 is not so great after all.